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Governance Structure
Audit Committee
Audit Committee is one of organs supporting Board of Commissioners functioning to assist supervision on Board of Directors, especially related to quality of financial report, improve effectiveness of audit function, internal and external, application of risk management and compliance to prevailing laws and regulations. Establishment of Audit Committee which duties to assist Company’s Board of Commissioners is refers to Financial Service Authority Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015 on the establishment and Guidelines of Establishing Audit Committee.
Pursuant to Indonesia’s stock exchange provisions, Audit Committee duties and responsibilities is to facilitate Board of Commissioners in running its supervisory function, especially in terms of:
• Provide recommendation related to integrity and quality of published financial statement;
• Audit implementation effectiveness by external and internal auditor;
• Risk management implementation;
• Compliance to prevailing legislations
In running its functions, Audit Committee is independent, meaning that it shall have no relation with one another or work relation with Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors or conflict of interest which may impair their performance.